Drawing inspiration from the suits of playing cards and spades, Jordan Brand recently created an Air Jordan 1 Low "Spades" color scheme. The first exposure of this color scheme attracted the attention of many shoe fans, and this time, the real beauty photos have been released, and friends who are interested will come to take a closer look.
This color scheme uses white leather as a base, supplemented by red and black playing cards with the iconic pattern embellishment. The visual effect is refreshing and exquisite and luxurious. The gold Swoosh and gold "K" and "Q" embroidery on the side of the shoe directly demonstrate the color matching specifications.
Should I buy authentic or replica sneakers?
The Quality of the Replica Shoes depends on the seller from whom you are buying. There are a lot of Quality in Replica Sneakers.Such as UA sneakers (stands for top version of sneakers, UA sneakers are very similar to retail brand shoes) and 1:1 sneakers.
If you are interested in these shoes, please pay more attention to onebyonemall, they are on sale.